Up to 10 times faster than a computer
Secure, high-performance data destructionYour secure data destruction needs are
increasing, hard drive capacities are increasing, but your ability to clean hard drives is not keeping pace.
The Datastorage DriveWiper breaks the speed barrier at up to 8 GB per minute (2 drives
once). Use the Datastorage DriveWiper and wipe ALL data off of hard drives FAST!
Easy to use, easy to expand Datastorage DriveWiper is incredibly easy
use. A simple 3 button interface and straightforward easy to understand display.
DriveWiper works very well with laptop adapters and SATA converters enable secure data destruction on any ATA or SATA drive as quickly as possible. |
• Wipe all data off of one drive at up to 5.5 GB per minute
• Wipe all data off of two drives at up to 8 GB per minute
• Automatically unlocks and wipes Host Protected Areas
• Wipe laptop drives or SATA drives with optional plug in converters
• Supports single pass (fastest) and multi-pass algorithms used by the NAVY and DOD
• Cut your drive wiping time in half
• Very light weight - less than a pound, plus the laptop style power supply
• Manual is included, but it is so easy to use that most users never open the manual
• Simple, fast, portable data destruction
DriveWiper is not only fast, it is easy to use. Wiping drives in place, without removing them from
their host, has never been so easy. And for wiping a bunch of drives, just use several DriveWipers
get done faster, and several DriveWipers are less costly than buying the big cloners, they are easier
to use, and far more portable.
Power, Performance and Price in one package
DriveWiper combines the best performance available, advanced features, ease of use, very light
weight, and low price for a state of the art offering that breaks the Drive Wiping speed barrier.